Instructors Guide

Presentation points

We provide a page for each chapter, each of which gives a set of objectives, suggests the main points to emphasise, advises as to possible difficulties with the material and provides hints for teaching some of the topics in the chapter

Teaching slides

We provide PowerPoint slides based on the figures in the book. Teachers can easily merge their own teaching slides with those provided here. We may have introduced a few errors in the process of conversion from Framemaker. Please let us know of any problems and we will attempt to rectify them.


We provide Powerpoint slides from the exercises in the book.

Solutions to the Exercises

The solutions to the exercises are available only to accredited teachers via the Instructor Resources page at the publisher’s web site, further details here.

Lab projects

The six projects currently offered here were designed as laboratory work for students studying various topics presented in the book. All of the projects have been tested in teaching at Queen Mary and Westfield College. We have attempted to remove any local dependencies, but cannot guarantee that they have all been eliminated.